Monday, 29 March 2010


I'm back. Again. Back having had a wonderful weekend retreat in North Yorkshire. It was an exhausting, energising, exhilarating, moving, blissful, loving couple of days.

I am especially grateful to EH for his vision, to EH and the Fig for supporting me in getting up North; to AL&DKK for looking after the hairy, black, four-legged beast and to Jonjo, who had a fun-filled day with his child-minder. Heart-felt thanks also go to the other retreat participants who were present, open and honest, loving, giving, funny, entertaining and willing.

I went, weighed down with more than my bag full of superfluous clothes - most of the time my yoga pants and a t-shirt sufficed. It was cold and windy outside and I had packed for every eventuality: we could have done sadhana outside at 4am and I would have had enough layers to keep everyone warm!

I don't want to give too much away, however, in one exercise we each chose our power animal and spoke of the qualities we felt we shared. I likened myself to an owl because I am watchful and there is power in my silence. I have knowledge and wisdom under my ruffled feathered ego and one day I will fly.

Some day I will fly
I know not when
And even in my dreams
I cannot imagine what heights I will reach
Some nights I fly
Up into the sky and far beyond
I always come back to my earthly existence
And the challenges I have prepared
Some day I will let go of the fear
I will remember who I AM
And then I will fly

Returning home feeling cleansed, I am acutely aware of the excess in my life. Time to sort and shed not shuffle! It's not a small task and I'm choosing to see it is as: expend energy, cast out clutter, gain vitality.

On the subject of letting go: I'm still wheat-free!

Aum xx

Monday, 1 March 2010


Yesterday I realised a kick up the backside worthy of any half-tonne mule.

I was kindly reminded what a blessing it is to experience this brief and unique moment of existence and how hard we work to get here. A lot of the time I want to be elsewhere, preferably there.

Thus ensued a pleasant evening under investigation from an enlightened soul who turned the spotlight on the star of the hour, well-versed and right on cue, my ego. The full force of Fig's benign gaze and gentle questioning bored through my full defensive repertoire of tears, raised voice, de/reflection, distraction, fidgeting, averted eyes, and gradual shutting down. I so desperately wanted to go to sleep. I can't and I won't.

Today has been a day full of simple pleasures. For this I am grateful.

For the warmth of the sun and for the freedom to walk in beautiful countryside I thank the Universe. My thanks also go to the oak tree for allowing me to hug it and draw on its strength; the landowner around whose field I skirted, deviating from the footpath; Seth for coming each time he was called; AL&DKK for visiting, bringing their lovely energy and home-made cake (wheat-free); the farm shop for supplying a decent selection of vegetables; and always to the Fig.

It's been a good day and I am at peace.

Aum xx