Sunday, 14 February 2010

I'm Awake (& Still In My PJ's)

  /ɔˈspɪʃəs/ [aw-spish-uhs] – adjective
1. promising success; propitious; opportune; favourable
2. favoured by fortune; prosperous; fortunate

Did you notice the date? It's Sunday, Valentine's Day, New Moon in Aquarius, Chinese New Year (of the Tiger) and the birth/rebirth of tens of thousands of souls. Added to this I'm pretty sure I can't go wrong.

The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our lives. Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don't know it - Marianne Williamson

Put simply: I can live in truth now, or later.

So in which direction shall I take my first step? I'm a little dizzy and realise I'm getting carried away on the tide of words in the oceans not yet typed. B R E A T H E.

Ah yes! Breath. My lovely BodhiFig tweeted me a meditation late last night. Just a short one to make part of my sadhana or daily practice. I haven't meditated regularly for a few... er several months and I guess today is the day to get back into the habit. So I will. Later.

Now, one pace to the left: Conscious Eating. I studied Natural Nutrition for a while and I know what is good for my body. I like what is good for my body and my body loves it. I just don't . eat . regular . healthy . meals. I am what I believe is commonly known as a comfort eater and yo-yo dieter (that's right, all or nothing - as hinted at in my last post).

As I inch forward I've decided to give up wheat. Not 100% give it up and not for good, but from NOW it is an occasional indulgence rather than my dietary staple. It makes me lazy. I confess I am addicted to bread and the thought of it not being a large part of my life scares me a little. I will experiment with sitting with these feelings. They are not real and they will pass!

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Aum Bhadram Karnebhihi Srunuyaama Devaaha
    Bhadram Pashyemaa Kshibhirya Jatraaha
    Sthirai Rangai Stushtuvaamsa Stanoobhihi
    Vyashema Devahitam Yadaayuhu
    Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi

    Meaning: Aum Hey Devaas, who are in the form of light, let our ears hear all good things. Hey worshippable Devas, let our eyes see good and holy things. May we spend this life given to us by God in continued prayers to You with a strong body, sound in health.

    Boom Shiva
